Indian Economy by Uma Kapila: A Comprehensive and Updated Guide for Competitive Exams
we have identified waste as one of the most promising alternative sources for fuel as well as raw materials for cement manufacturing. while cement manufacturing demand for fuel is relatively low, we can see that the integrated cement industry in india is potentially in a position to utilize waste as fuel and it can therefore contribute towards a circular economy. in addition to that, there are multiple opportunities for the indian cement industry to capitalize on the waste as fuel and raw materials in their sector. this may be a beneficial step in the direction of achieving circular economy. we hope that this uma kapila indian economy pdfbook will be a useful tool to reduce wastage of natural resources, conserve natural capital and capture value from waste. india is committed to achieving a low emission and sustain development path (lead) as part of the intended nationally determined contribution (indc), and the cement sector can contribute in their mission by incorporating the principles of circular economy and follow the market need for sustainable and clean resources. they can also promote a more circular economy with the help of partnerships with the governments as well as other stakeholders.
Uma Kapila Indian Economy.pdf
the spatial distribution of the optimal cropping pattern under the two water supply scenarios is shown as a percent increase or decrease relative to the existing net-cropped area for each crop type in each district, in fig. 3 (please refer to fig. s2 for a map with indian state names). under both scenarios, northern, central northeastern, and parts of southern india emerge as the ideal locations for cultivating rice. the cultivated rice area in the northern arid states of punjab, haryana, and the indo-gangetic plain, where over 50% of the pds procurement occurs, is reduced by over 75%. it is interesting, but not surprising, to note that these current sourcing regions are reduced significantly under both scenarios, despite their relatively high productivity, reflecting the water supply imbalance that is driving groundwater depletion and high subsidized energy use in these regions.